Creating art and music with less time
So much has changed since the twins arrived six months ago. The first scan when we found out was a big surprise. To be honest my husband and I hadn't even considered this a possibility. Once it sank in we were very excited. I was more nervous about the pregnancy. Thankfully aside from problems with my hip the babies arrived in September. I had a lot of support and I'm really enjoying my little babies. I love to see the bond between them and their older sister who is five years old. I love them all so much. Luckily their five year old sister loves her new brother and sister too. It was a big shock for her but she is a great help and the babies are mad about her. I really enjoy the babies, they are so much fun. Nights can be tricky but that won't last forever. The babies have helped me to be more decisive and use short spaces of time to get something creative done. They have also taught me to accept it if I'm too tired to do something and just sleep if that's what my body is telling me to do. Maternity leave has been a wonderful opportunity to spend time with my babies. It also has been a great time to reflect. I realise that I cannot get stressed when I'm giving so much of myself to my children. I've had to slow down. Staying calm with sleep deprivation is my daily goal. In my life before the twins arrived I was teaching music, playing the viola and composing my own music. I had been attending a weekly painting and drawing class with Anne Mcgill. I was also in a gamelan orchestra.I am always sketching and drawing and I find it so calming. It's like playing music. All your thoughts cease and it's totally engrossing. I will continue painting and writing new music. I'm gentle about it. I have a lot of reasons that could be used as excuses to stop - no time, too tired, no space, you know all the usuals! I'm sure we all have used those excuses to stop ourselves doing what we love doing. Creativity is an important part of self-care. As mothers and women we often give everything we have to others. Accessing the creative spirit through art and music is a wonderful way to look after ourselves. A happy mama means a happy home. What do you do to make you feel good?My top tips for enjoying our creativity with less time available are:For painting -1. Have our painting, sketching gear at the ready.2. Don't fuss just start something when the moment presents itself.3. Think about and visualise what we want to paint/ draw before we do it.4. Don't listen to the critical voice inside our heads just let go and say it doesn't matter how this canvas turns out because there is another one right over there waiting to be filled with colour too! I love this it takes the perfectionism pressure off.5. Don't worry if the place is trashed- I paint and draw when I can. I clear a space on the table and sort out the mess later. I have twins. Come on!I use the same grabbing the moment for playing my viola. Lash it out and just start. Ten minutes here, ten minutes there. I love it and it brings me joy. You can't beat a bit of Bach to lift your spirits.For writing songs and recording music ideas -At the moment I use the voice recorder on my phone to record any ideas that float my way. I sing it and mark it so I can come back to it. I always try have my notebook near by to write down and work on lyrics. I also use the notes on my iPhone if that is too far away.I just finished a painting of a daffodil. I love them. Every spring they bring such a sense of joy. I had been thinking about painting one for a few days.So let's keep creating.